5. You owe it to yourself.
“Babe, they say if you love something, you must let it go, and if it was meant to be it will come back. So March 4th good for you?”
4. Scrap Valentine’s Day
Don’t get them anything. Say you forgot? Wait until the day to say you don’t want to celebrate it anymore. Carnival will be a breeze.
3. Operation: Hide and go seek
Invite lots of your friends, and hers, then disappear. Hopefully, she does not come looking for you.
2. Operation: Big Truck maneuver
Find friends who have access to a music truck, ask for permission to have yourself and your partner on board, then ditch them.
You see them on Carnival Tuesday. A couple arguing in the road, then storming off. It may have consequences in the future but those couple hundred wines may just be worth it.
Photos Courtesy:
Carnival©James Whatley/Flickr
Carnival©Gabriella Szekely/Flickr